domingo, outubro 16, 2005

Cheap flights in Europe

Low tarif companies flighting in Europe.
Companhias aéreas da Europa com preços baixos.

Base na Alemanha (Germany)

Base na Inglaterra (London)

BAse na Inglaterra (London)

Good luck!
Boa sorte!

Stockholm by metro (Tunel-banan)

Next stop is Stockholm!
Próxima parada é Estocolmo!

Turistic information:

TRAINS & BUSES Information regarding train traffic is given on 0771-75 75 75 or Call 660 10 00 or for information regarding buses, subway and commuter trains.

important stops in the subway:
Kista (Stockholm)
Älvsjö station (Solberga, Stockholm)
Stockholms södra (Södermalm, Stockholm)
Mariatorget (t-banan) (Södermalm, Stockholm)

Enjoy the city!
Aproveite a cidade!

segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2005

Hungary - by foot

Viajar é muito bom!
To travel is very good!

Antes de ir para Budapeste eu juntei um monte de links interessantes.
Before going to Budapest I´ve collected a bunch of interesting links.

Tudo que você precisa saber sobre Budapeste!
Everything you need to know about Budapest!

Hungary in your pocket -

Budapest Info:

Searchable Budapest Map:


General info on Hungary

Public transportation company (Metro, Bus, Tram):

Minden jót! All the best! Tudo de bom!

Germany - Train and Bus

Faz tempo que não escrevo!
Long time no writing!

Estive viajando e trouxe algumas dicas na bagagem para passar para alguns amigos.
I was traveling and brought back in the lougage some tips to share with friends. - Plan your flights - Planeje seus voos - Trains in Germany - Trens na Alemanha
clique em "eglish" - click on "english" -
"Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf" - Aeroporto de Frankfurt - Frankfurt Airport
é só copiar/colar em "from:" e digitar seu destino em "to:" e clicar em "search connection"
it´s just copy/paste in "from:" and type your destination in "to:" and click on "search connection"
Você pode até comprar o ticket pela web, é bom pois seu lugar fica reservado, você paga pela web, imprime o ticket eletrônico e leva junto com seu carão de crédito para o trem.
You can buy your ticket on-line, it´s good because your seat is reserved, you pay on-line, print your eletronic ticket and take it together with your credit card to the train. - Bus in Aachen - Linhas de Onibus em Aachen
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? este site é só em alemão - this site is only in german
clique em - click on - Fahrplan
Start -> "aachen bushof" - ponto de onibus central - central bus station
Ziel -> "wildbach" - ponto destino - destination
Zeit -> Zórras - zTime
Abfahrt ab -> horrárrio de zaída - deparrturre ztime
Ankunft bis -> horrárrio de zchegada - arrival ztime
clique em - click on - (S)uchen
Você vai ver a tabela de horários para a linha(s) que passa pelos pontos escolhidos.
You will get the timetable for the busstops you specified.
wildbach = kackertstr (EDD office) weststrasse = kohlscheid (EDD office) route 47
No Bushof você pode comprar um ticket que vale por toda a semana para andar quanto quiser, diga os pontos que você vai pois é por região e também peça um mapa que vem com todas as linhas de onibus.
In the Bushof you can buy a weekly ticket that you can use as many times you want, don´t forget to say all the stops because they use a region system and also ask the map with all routes.

Tourist info:

Viel Glück! Boa sorte! Good luck!

segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2005

8000 mts high tech

Conheci a aventureira brasileira Ana Boscarioli, ela está a caminho do monte Cho Oyu, vizinho do Everest, e pretende chegar à 8.000 metros de altitude!
I have met the brazilian adventurer Ana Boscarioli, she is on her way to mount Cho Oyo, next to Everest, and she intend to go to the top at 8000 meters!

Acompanhe sua aventura - Keep track of her adventure
Tryon press release - (under contruction on 30/08)

Ela está levando na bagagem um monte de tecnologia:
She has in her backpack a lot of technology:
- Thuraya satelite phone
- 2 Videorecorders
- 1 digital camera
- Notebook
- Solar plate to recharge all equipments in the list ;-)

Ela me disse que ia comprar um GPS em Katmandu mas ainda não tinha decidido, o mais importante era achar o representante do Thuraya para instalar o software para usar o telefone para conectar na internet.
She told me she would by a GPS in Katmandu but she was not sure yet, but the most important thing was to find a Thuraya representative in order to install the software to connect on the web.

Durante os 30 dias de expedição ela vai mandar fotos e relatos por telefone do andamento da aventura, entrem no site e acompanhem também!
During the 30 day expedition she will be sending pictures and voice reports thru the phone about the progress of her adventure, log on her site and follow too!

Detalhe, o Thuraya esteve no Everest com os brasileiros que escalaram o Everest recentemente.
Note, the Thuraya phone has been already to Everest in the hands of some brasilians that recently got to the top.

quinta-feira, agosto 25, 2005

Eclipse resources - O'Reilly search


Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide
sample chapter

sample chapter

Eclipse Cookbook
sample chapter
another chapter
all code examples

The Eclipse Project Looks Ahead by Daniel H. Steinberg -- EclipseCon revealed the Eclipse project as not just an IDE, but a rich client platform with a flexible architecture, an active community, and a bright future. Daniel Steinberg gives a summary of the week's events.

Eclipse Plugins Exposed, Part 1: A First Glimpse by Emmanuel Proulx -- Many developers use Eclipse out of the box as an IDE, never investigating its powerful extensibility. But as Emmanuel Proulx shows in this first installment of a new series, Eclipse's modular system of plugins allow you to customize it to your suit your development needs.

Eclipse Plugins Exposed, Part 2: Simple GUI Elements by Emmanuel Proulx -- Eclipse is largely composed of plugins, but you can't just write any arbitrary code and have Eclipse magically incorporate it. In part two of his series on Eclipse, Emmanuel Proulx introduces Eclipse's "extension points" by showing how to create toolbar buttons, menu items, and dialogs.

I've been Eclipsed!by James Elliott -- How I learned to stop worrying and love the JDT: Reflections on the Eclipse IDE by a belated convert.

Develop Your Own Plugins for Eclipse, Part 1 by Jérôme Molière -- Part of the appeal of the Eclipse platform is its extensibility -- in Eclipse, almost everything is a plugin, and it's easy to get plugins from third parties or write your own. Jérôme Molière shows how to get started with deploying Eclipse plugins.

Seven Low-Cost Ways to Improve Legacy Code by Robert Simmons, Jr. -- Robert Simmons, Jr. presents seven techniques developed and used in his consulting work that are designed to improve legacy code, without a major investment in man hours or cash. Robert is the author of the recently released Hardcore Java.

Prevalence: Transparent, Fault-Tolerant Object Persistence by Jim Paterson -- Want to persist your objects, with transactional integrity? You probably assume you're going to be using a database, but not so fast--for lighter uses, particularly for prototyping and testing, the idea of "prevalence" may make more sense. Jim Paterson introduces it by way of Prevayler, a popular prevalence framework.

ONJava 2004 in Review: Popular Articles by Chris Adamson -- Editor Chris Adamson takes a look back at some of the most popular articles published on ONJava during the last year.

O'Reilly Open Source Convention

DocBook for Eclipse: Reusing DocBook's Stylesheets

quarta-feira, agosto 24, 2005

Eclipse resources - IBM search

Search IBM

What is Eclipse, and how do I use it?

Meet the experts: Eclipse, not just for developers anymore

The Eclipse Platform Architecture

Migrating to Eclipse: A developer's guide to evaluating Eclipse vs. JBuilder

Migrating guide to evaluating eclipse vs intellij idea

Migrating to Eclipse: A developer's guide to evaluating Eclipse vs. Netbeans

Developing Eclipse plug-ins

Tune Eclipse's startup performance with the Runtime Spy, Part 2

Using Eclipse as a development environment with Jakarta Tomcat

Python development with Eclipse and Ant

Centralizing help in Eclipse

Documenting your project using the Eclipse help system

Sharing code with the Eclipse Platform

Rational product plug-ins and add-ins

Refactoring for everyone

Refactoring with Eclipse

Use Eclipse to develop mobile applications for Nokia devices

Educational Games

A recent article in Business week cough my atention.
Um artigo recente da Business week me chamou atenção.

Educational Games Crank Up the Fun- English

Among other things it raises a question on how to keep the game generation interested in boring lectures, it´s realy a tough challenge that schools, universities and traditional jobs are facing.
Entre outras coisas o artigo levanta a questão de como manter o interesse da geração dos games em palestras chatas, é realmente um desafio difícil que as escolas, universidades e o emprego tradicional estão enfrentando.

This article introduced me to
Marc Prensky, author of Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill). Check one of his articles where he addresses how traditional (old fashion) jobs should change to adapt to the game generation, very interesting!
Esse artigo me apresentou para Marc Prensky, autor do livro Digital Game-Based Learning. Veja um de seus artigos onde ele indica em que os empregos tradicionias (antigos) devem mudar para se adaptar à geração dos games, muito interessante!

I hope modern schools and jobs pay attention to this trend and get prepared for it!
Eu espero que as escolas e os empregos modernos prestem atenção à essa tendência e se prepare para isso!

Did you play with your son today?
Você já jogou com seu filho hoje?

sábado, agosto 20, 2005

Formula 1

Essa é para aqueles que gostam de tecnologia e de automobilismo.
This one is for those who like technology and autoracing.

Vá para o site oficial da Formula 1, lá você vai achar muita informação sobre o campeonato, pilotos, equipes...
Go to the official Formula 1 website, there you will find a lot of information on the championship, pilots, teams...

Ma o mais legal é o link para os tempos ao vivo!! Durante a corrida e durante os treinos os tempos dos pilotos é transmitido ao vivo pela internet!!
But the cool thing is the live timing link!! During the race and practice sessions pilot's lap times are broadcasted over the internet live!!

Se você tiver WiFi aí fica mais legal ainda, pegue seu notebook e vá para a sala de TV! Você vai ver uma corrida totalmente diferente.
If you have WiFi then it's even better, take your notebook and go to the TV room! You will see a totaly different race.

Veja também / Also check:

quarta-feira, agosto 17, 2005

Linux Router

Um amigo me pediu para procurar um roteador com firewall, vejam só que opções interessantes existem por aí!
A friend of mine asked me to search for a router with firewall, check this out!

Eu tenho em casa um Linksys com WiFi que é muito bom, esse foi a primeira coisa que recomendei.
I have at home a Linksys with WiFi, very good indeed, this was the first thing I've recommended.

Além disso existem outras opções muito mais baratas, são os roteadores Linux!
On topo of that there are other options much cheaper, Linux routers!

Coyote Linux Floppy Firewall - FREE
Um disquete de boot e nada mais! É claro que o micro precisa de placas de rede e também precisa ser 486 ou superior mas é só isso!!
Just one floppy disk and that's it! Of course the computer needs network cards and also be 486 or superior but that's all folks!!

IPcop - FREE
Esse pode rodar em um micro somente com flash memory sem disquete, sem HD, sem teclado, sem monitor, sem mouse, sem ventoinha!! sobra alguma coisa?!?!?
This one runs on a computer just with flash memory, diskless, winchesterless, keyboardless, screenless, mouseless, fanless!! is there anything left?!?!?

terça-feira, agosto 16, 2005

Google Ads

They made it so easy that it was dificult to resist!
Eles fizeram isso tão fácil que foi dificil resistir!

Google adsense has guidelines and a tool that generates the code for you, it´s just copy/paste in the right place in your page and that´s it!
Google adsense tem guias e uma ferramenta que gera o codigo para você, é só copiar/colar no lugar certo de sua página e pronto!

Now if you want to have a rich friend just start clicking on those ads, I will be paid for each click.
Agora se você quer ter um amigo rico é só começar a clicar nos anúncios, eu vou receber por cada clique.

domingo, agosto 14, 2005

Home Computer Security / Segurança no Computador de Casa

This link tells everything you should know about securing your computer.
Este link sobre segurança é bastante completo e vai ajudar a manter seu micro seguro..

One good anti virus is AVG that you can download for free in the link after instaling it will keep itself updated with the latest releases.
Um bom anti virus é o AVG que pode ser baixado gratuitamente no endereço após instalado o próprio antivirus vai te lembrar de fazer as atualizações.
AVG Free Edition

The firewall I'm using is Zone Alarm, it's also for free and is simple to use install it in the beginer mode and it will do everything for you.
O firewall que tenho instalado é o Zone Alarm, também gratuito e bem simples de usar instale no modo beginer que ele faz quase tudo para você.

Pratiquem internet segura!
Play safe internet!

Island draw by Inkscape?

Será que é possível substituir o Island Draw pelo open source Inkscape?
Is it possible to replace Island Draw by the open source Inkscape?

Te conto na próxima semana!
I will let you know next week!

ps: I´m testing the email feature /
estou testando o email


Aqui vão alguns links interessantes sobre esses shows na internet, é como se fosse um programa de radio.
Here you will find some interesting links on those internet shows, it's a kind of radio show.

Business week special report - Podcasting

iPodder (download shows)

Geek News Central (technology show)
Todd mentions my name on his show GNC-2005-07-05 #80 :-))
Todd menciona meu nome no show GNC-2005-07-05 #80 :-))))

Adam Curry's Daily Source Code (most famous)
The Cranky Middle Manager (Leadership)
Slashdot Review (Tech news)

These and much more can be found in the ipodder directory.
Esses e muito mais podem ser encontrados no diretório do ipodder.

Você baixa os shows e pode escutar em qualquer coisa que toque mp3 (iPod, Mp3 player, Toca CD do carro, no próprio computador, etc).
You download the show and you can play it in anything that plays mp3 (iPod, Mp3 player, Car CDplayer, your own computer, etc).

Have fun!!

sábado, agosto 13, 2005

Opening / Abertura

I´m not sure why but now I have my own blog, let´s see where it goes!
Não sei bem porque tenho um blog mas vamos ver no que dá!

I will try as much as possible to write it in english and portuguese.
Eu vou tentar escrever sempre em português e inglês.

I´m allways collecting links, interesting articles and podcasts but I don´t have one single place to store them so this blog will also serve as my "bookmarks" archive.
Estou sempre colecionando links, artigos interessantes e podcasts mas não tenho um lugar único para armazena-los então este blog também será meu arquivo de "bookmarks".