segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2005

8000 mts high tech

Conheci a aventureira brasileira Ana Boscarioli, ela está a caminho do monte Cho Oyu, vizinho do Everest, e pretende chegar à 8.000 metros de altitude!
I have met the brazilian adventurer Ana Boscarioli, she is on her way to mount Cho Oyo, next to Everest, and she intend to go to the top at 8000 meters!

Acompanhe sua aventura - Keep track of her adventure
Tryon press release - (under contruction on 30/08)

Ela está levando na bagagem um monte de tecnologia:
She has in her backpack a lot of technology:
- Thuraya satelite phone
- 2 Videorecorders
- 1 digital camera
- Notebook
- Solar plate to recharge all equipments in the list ;-)

Ela me disse que ia comprar um GPS em Katmandu mas ainda não tinha decidido, o mais importante era achar o representante do Thuraya para instalar o software para usar o telefone para conectar na internet.
She told me she would by a GPS in Katmandu but she was not sure yet, but the most important thing was to find a Thuraya representative in order to install the software to connect on the web.

Durante os 30 dias de expedição ela vai mandar fotos e relatos por telefone do andamento da aventura, entrem no site e acompanhem também!
During the 30 day expedition she will be sending pictures and voice reports thru the phone about the progress of her adventure, log on her site and follow too!

Detalhe, o Thuraya esteve no Everest com os brasileiros que escalaram o Everest recentemente.
Note, the Thuraya phone has been already to Everest in the hands of some brasilians that recently got to the top.

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